When I graduated from college, I feared unemployment because no. 1I thought it would be embarrassing not to be hired while almost all my other classmates were hired, and no. 2 I wanted to start earning for myself. But well, I ended up unemployed for a whole year after graduation, and surprisingly I totally enjoyed it! Then, after 7 years of hurried breakfasts and late night checking of papers, I find myself once again unemployed. This time because I became a mom! During the tedious preggy days of being cooped up in the house, it was hard for me to see the bright side of my unemployment, but now that I have my wriggly, table-climbing baby out and about, I have this mental list of "Reasons Why I am Thankful for Being Unemployed":
1. I can sleep longer hours. (Yes, now I can since my baby has stopped waking me up in the wee hours!)
2. I can read more books!
3. I can work on my scrapbooks.
4. I can organize my beautiful mess of papers.
5. I can start a garden.
6. I can cook meals for my husband. (He said I am improving!)
7. I can take care of my baby myself.
8. I can play with my baby.
9. I am available for any vacation trip (as long as we have the funds...teehee!).
10. I can watch my favorite daytime soap operas (just like a typical housewife so says my typical husband).
11. I can chat more often with my Mamaski, Papaski, and little sistah via FB.
12. I have more time to be quiet and reflect.
13. I have discovered cloth-diapering, baby-wearing and online shopping.
14. I can create more Christmas cards and write more letters to dear people far away.
15. I can start blogging! ;)
Well, that's it for now! There are more floating around my head that I have not captured in words as yet...

So I'll end with this thought in mind: Keep Calm and Enjoy Life One Day at a Time!