Saturday, December 28, 2013

Here goes...

For the longest time I had wanted to start a blog, and more so when I found myself conveniently unemployed. I started with researching "how to's" in blogging, which unfortunately discouraged me from starting one! But then, after hearing from a previous co-worker and good friend  about starting a travel blog and stumbling upon another college classmate/dear friend's blog, I told myself, "What the HEY! (haha) Just start one!" So here goes nothing...

When I graduated from college, I feared unemployment because no. 1I thought it would be embarrassing not to be hired while almost all my other classmates were hired, and no. 2 I wanted to start earning for myself. But well, I ended up unemployed for a whole year after graduation, and surprisingly I totally enjoyed it! Then, after 7 years of hurried breakfasts and late night checking of papers, I find myself once again unemployed. This time because I became a mom! During the tedious preggy days of being cooped up in the house, it was hard for me to see the bright side of my unemployment, but now that I have my wriggly, table-climbing baby out and about, I have this mental list of "Reasons Why I am Thankful for Being Unemployed":

1. I can sleep longer hours. (Yes, now I can since my baby has stopped waking me up in the wee hours!)
2. I can read more books!
3. I can work on my scrapbooks.
4. I can organize my beautiful mess of papers.
5. I can start a garden.
6. I can cook meals for my husband. (He said I am improving!)
7. I can take care of my baby myself.
8.  I can play with my baby.
9. I am available for any vacation trip (as long as we have the funds...teehee!).
10. I can watch my favorite daytime soap operas (just like a typical housewife so says my typical husband).
11. I can chat more often with my Mamaski, Papaski, and little sistah via FB.
12. I have more time to be quiet and reflect.

13. I have discovered cloth-diapering, baby-wearing and online shopping.
14. I can create more Christmas cards and write more letters to dear people far away.
15. I can start blogging! ;)

Well, that's it for now! There are more floating around my head that I have not captured in words as yet...

Disclaimer: I have not forgotten the downsides of my unemployment too...Like missing having a Christmas party to attend (haha), carefully going over our one-income budget to make ends meet, and feeling left out the career growth path! But, overall I just want to enjoy this stage in my life...I would probably be back in the work force in the future and would start missing all these!

So I'll end with this thought in mind: Keep Calm and Enjoy Life One Day at a Time!