Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Hello 2015!

I have been absent for too long...Hello 2015!

I have had so much to write about, but I have been overtaken by all the various daily mommy/housewife duties, the occasional outings, the mad rush for application requirements and that pressured feeling of having to write because I had too have a post and not because I enjoyed it. So, I told myself to STOP. I will write because I enjoy it. I will not write because I choose to sleep. I will write because my hands are itching to tell the story. I will not write because I choose to spend my free time chatting with an old friend who needs to vent. In short, I want to be more intentional in what I plan to do and be more forgiving with myself if I do not always follow through.

The past months since my last post have been tiring and exciting, fun and frustrating! And since it's my first post for the year let me share with you some realizations I have had so far...

On parenting

I will never be a perfect parent. I can explode at times over spilled calamansi juice. I allow Brainy Baby episodes or his current favorite movie to babysit for me while I do the dishes and what-not. I get extremely tired (and irritable too) after running after a very fast toddler who has learned to open the gate, jump over the canal, and pet dogs with sharp teeth. And I can say I'm sorry to this same toddler when I know I have been wrong (because I am not always right).

On household management

I can write all sorts of things-to-do and plan my day the night before; however, when the day comes, I gotta learn to be flexible coz' things don't always go as planned! And that's O.K. (Your child may decide to powder the whole house when you aren't looking, the rain may fall on the very day you have set to do the laundry, or you wake up with an upset tummy. You know what I mean?) I don't like it when plans are changed last minute, but I have learned to live with it :). But, I must DO something like play catch with my son, read a book, or straighten up that overflowing pile of plastic bags. I have learned that the key is to not let the day slip away without accomplishing at least one thing, even if it isn't in your to-do list at the moment.  ( Yes, I have placed playing with my son on my to-do list haha!)

On building  new relationships
Hi neighbor! Lemme borrow your  tire-less "car"...

People are often simply shy. Two people may never be friends because no one has the courage to say 'Hi!' I have also learned that I am no longer very shy because I have initiated a lot of Hi's! Haha! And I do not regret it! I have also learned that there are always more than one way of seeing a person, and what you allow yourself to see affects how you relate to him/her. I choose to dwell on the positive, and that has made a lot of difference!

On job hunting

Job hunting becomes more exciting when you become a mom! Promise. Oh, the adventures Hansy and I had! I had braved the long lines for an NBI clearance with a very impatient little man. We had unexpected but very much welcome help from our friend (one of the persons we said 'Hi!' too) at the computer shop! He played with Hansy, so I can arrange my papers properly. Answering phone calls about job interviews while someone yells "Um! Um! Um!" in the background is a challenge of concentration and composure.  I suddenly found strength and ingenuity I didn't know I had!  (And then, after all the running around, you don't make it to the deadline of submission. Ah sweet life! I was tired and pressured, but I have made memories with the Hansy Pansy. There goes my career! Hahahaha!)

On growing a garden

you do something that you truly enjoy, it is never a chore. I love watering the plants! I (surprisingly) enjoy pulling out weeds!I love the feel of the soil in my hands. Freshly cut grass is sweet to my nostrils. I detest aphids, and attack them with my water-and-liquid-soup ammunition. I rejoice when I harvest a cucumber! It  makes me appreciate the God of creation more and more. Nature definitely shouts His fame!

On ministry

Hansy with Sunday school buddies
With the different seasons of your life come different ministries. Having a family and being in charge of a child 24/7 limit my involvement at church activities, and that has been a big adjustment to me. But then I realized raising this child IS a ministry. Being a friend to my neighbors is a ministry. Being a prayer warrior and listener to woes and what-nots are ministries too! My Pastor-Uncle has said to bloom where we are planted. The Bible says in Colossians 3:23 (NLT), "Work willingly at whatever you do, as though you were working for the Lord rather than for people." That I am learning includes doing the laundry, cooking dinner and all the little services my hubby and son require. (I need to be reminded ever so often, especially when I become tired and irritable ;)!)

So there! Writing them down helps me process and remember. Rereading my past posts has been a treat! I totally would have forgotten about those moments if I hadn't written them down. So, I'll sure be back again because I am NOT going to force myself to write. I will write when my heart and head are both ready! Tata for now!

And again Hello 2015!