Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Wait, He's Two?!

(Grrr! I missed September!!! I had this all typed out and the pictures all ready before the month ended, but being a stay-at-home mom is also so physically taxing that I couldn't stay up long enough to put them together and post this on time...Oh well, still here it is...Better late than never I guess!) 

Ohhh the many things I'd like to remember...I can't keep up! And now he is TWO! My baby boy is really truly a toddler now, and I still haven't gotten over the awe of having a new little person come out of me! But, here we are running after him, forever trying to get him down from high places, diving to catch the remote he is about to throw (again) or that book or that cellphone (hahahaha the list is long), dancing with him when lively music is on (because he insists that he does not dance alone!), drawing 2's and 3's supposedly on paper or the white board (but sometimes on furniture and walls too), rushing to the bathroom coz' he said "poo-poo" (but then he refuses to sit on the toilet bowl), and grinning like crazy when he opens the window early in the morning and screams: Daddyyyy!!! (coz' he can't find Daddy anywhere in the house hehehe)...Oh my, he has come a long way from that little bundle who only slept a lot, cried, breastfed, and slept again (oh and pooped too)...

And so to celebrate this little life that is now showing his own spunky personality (and because mommy and daddy didn't have enough cash for a big party hihihi), we had a fun day ala-Hansy way!

First off on our list is to try to blow the candle on the cake! When I was setting up the candle, the birthday boy was exclaiming, "Two! Two!" Oh yes, he finally recognizes the number 2 (after calling all numbers 3 for so long!) and number 9. That is it thank you very much! (When he counts, he goes like __ ,2 ,3!hahaha) And then, when we finally had it lit, he was fascinated with the flame! It was fun learning to blow the candle and so ever after whenever he'd see a lit candle, he'd make a blowing sound haha! Thank you Tita Joy for the cake!

The cake came a day earlier, so technically this is just for practice ;)...
These days, you'll often hear him say: Miming! Translation: swimming...Thanks to Kuya Ivan's old mini pool, the labador has retired from its swimming pool duties. So, bright and early on his birthday, Hansy went 'miming'...
He loves playing with water...

When he finally tired of swimming, he willingly took a bath, got dressed and was all ready to go to Gen. Santos City to...shoot some hoops! Basketball is this boy's jam...He is small but wiry enough to throw that big basketball near the ring! Cheers to our future MVP!

Aside from swimming and basketball, the birthday boy tried "wall climbing" too...(hihihihi...) He was fascinated with this hole in the wall and wanted to climb all the way up! ( I did mention earlier that he was into climbing too, right? Yes, sofas, windows and chairs are climbing tools...)


 And of course what is a birthday without the food! Ok, ok...this part is more of Daddy and Mommy likey, but Hansy ate the delicious chicken and mojos too... It's a win-win situation. High chairs are also not so useful nowadays since he just climbs out of it as soon as you put him in one...Oh, the joys of twohood!

With the kind of energy our birthday boy exhibited, he really truly needed to go someplace to work it all out of his system...So, time to jump, slide and play some more!

Hansy was in ball heaven here...It was fun watching him throw them around and not run out of ball ammunition!

       Daddy also taught him how to climb the slides all by himself and weeee slide down...

Jump, jump and jump! Then, climb, slide, run around like crazy, throw more balls around, ask for a balloon they had hanging at the side and jump again! This took place for something like TWO hours...haha because he is two!!!

Afterwards, we had some refreshments of chocolate drinks and takuyaki balls (one of Hansy's favorites). We also dropped by Booksale for some lovely books because we are not only growing a basketball MVP (naks!) but also a bookworm! (And ate a Goldilock's mamon while waiting for Daddy to pay for them...)

Hansy's day was about to end and we were getting ready for home, when he saw Mandarin Restaurant, pointed at it and said, "Um!" (He now knows how to point and ask for stuff! Yayks!) So, we dutifully went in to um, I mean eat, some noodle soup. But it turned out it was the candy store next door that was his real target!

We expected him to flop down and sleep once we reach home...But oh no siree! He had to read his new Bible...his "booch" as he calls his books :)...As he flipped through the pages of his picture Bible, I breathed another prayer for our little man...

                May he grow up loving Jesus, and always be this excited to open God's Word.

He is now two...too soon it seems to me! Being a mom has taught me to treasure every little moment of his young life. I want to remember how it feels to have his little arms wrap around my neck. I want to ingrain in my mind the look on his impish face when he has done something naughty. I want to record in my heart his peels of laughter when in play. I want to bottle up every memory because soon enough he won't need Mommy as much as he does now... God has given us such a precious gift, and we are grateful for the privilege of being his parents!

Happy Birthday Hansy Pansy! We love you for always!

P.S. We'd like to say thank you for all our wonderful sponsors:

*Lolo Joel for the monetary gift
* Tita Joy for the delicious cake
* Kuya Ivan for sharing your pool
* Ninang Presvir for my new t-shirt (Yey, it finally fits! Wore it for the first time!)


Muchos Gracias also for the birthday gifts from Suon Alijah, Cousin Azy and Ninang Pressy!

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