Monday, February 24, 2014

Three Weddings and a Reunion: A Planner's Lessons

While I have never seen the movie, Four Weddings and a Funeral, it is the inspiration for this post's title. (I just think it sounds catchy!) And also, there is the fact that this year in our family, there are three weddings and a reunion that has happened and will happen in the next few months. (I have mentioned in my earlier post that this is supposed to be a January entry, but since February is the "love month", it fits much better in the theme of the season, don't you think?)

Being unemployed, I have expected a rather uneventful life at home without much pressure, but because my cousin is marrying my church friend (and they're both not here in the city where they plan to tie the knot) and because the Cresenciano-Natividad Gerada apos (grandchildren) are in charge of the up-coming grand reunion, I have been kept busy! (See, I almost missed writing a blog this month!)

 I don't know about you, but I L.O.V.E. weddings! Ever since I got married four years ago, I've been hooked with the lovely rush wedding preparations give. (You may now shake your head and say, "Stressful rush you mean!") I am no expert at wedding planning, but helping my friends when their turn came was as natural as breathing! So, is this post about wedding planning? Well, not particularly...I want to share with you the things I learned in the process of all our preparations for these happy events!

The year has just begun and I have been inspired to be on top of everything that needs to be done. So, I armed myself with my planning besties: my notes and pens! This is my number one lesson: Planning ahead means writing everything down and scheduling your things-to-do, otherwise you will miss some and procrastinate. It actually feels good to be able to tick off every little detail I'm done doing, and it keeps me on track with what I still have to do. If I don't do this, I'll be wiling away my free time, browsing through Facebook or Instagram! (Guilty face here...because the dishes haven't been washed and the clean laundry hasn't been folded...shhh!)

Second, I learned that clear communication is key. Hurray for emails, Facebook, Pinterest, unlimited calls to Sun and free texts to other networks! I am currently talking to several people who are either abroad or in a different city. And if you know wedding planning, it is NOT easy to come up with decisions especially if the participants are far far away from each other! You need to be ready to keep in touch a lot, so that means you have to explore your communication options that would also be pocket friendly. (Come to think of it, even our reunion planning is dangerously coming close to becoming a Skype activity even when most of us are within traveling distance!)

Third, research, research and research. Now, this is handy not only in the academic field, but also in all things party-related! The internet has made a lot of information within our reach (from theme ideas down to wedding program details), and we should take advantage of it. And recently, perhaps because Multiply has closed as a platform for business, Facebook has been really helpful in finding service providers. Yey! It is now possible for the stay-at-home-mom-who-isn't-very-mobile to search for contacts from the event stylist to the seashell-shaped chocolate vendor. Aside from the net, I learned to be a nosy visitor :) to different events by asking others where they got their beautiful cake for their birthday or where they ordered their balloons! Word of mouth is still an important source of valuable information! Keep your eyes and ears open!

Fourth, don't be shy to ask for help! This might not be a problem for you, but I am S.H.Y. (Some of you might not believe this, but really deep down I am absolutely shy.) I do not want to be a cause of inconvenience to anyone, so that as much as possible I do things myself. But, I have learned that when you tap into your connections, your work gets done more efficiently. You see, I have just been in my new place of residence for over a year, and so I have not learned the ropes as to the best places for receptions, ordering of cakes and flowers, a good but reasonably priced seamstress etc! I badly need help from others to keep me in the loop. (Surprisingly, once I'm over the jitters of grabbing someone else's time, I find them quite willing to be of service!)

Fifth, patience is a verb! Well, it may not be a verb literally, but being patient is an
on-going process, an action you have to keep doing until you've reached the finish line because planning an event can be exasperating (like duhhh! hahahaha!). You deal with different personalities and viewpoints that can sometimes clash against each other. Sometimes, unexpected changes come up and you simply need to cope with it. And then there are times when it puts you in a tight space with little room to maneuver. Through all these, patience should be your best friend!

Sixth, let people comment but don't let it get to you! Haha! In other words, peel off your onion skin. I have learned that people will give comments, either good or bad. They might not agree with the decision reached and that is OK. I remind myself that they do not know the entire story like you do. They have not gone over options over and over again, nor have they discussed the pros and cons like you did. So, if they say in an offhand way, "Oh, it would have been better blah blah blah..." simply listen to them and consider whether the comment helps or not. If not, sing Elsa's song...Let it go! Let it go!

Seventh, I have learned the importance of commitment. (Yes, commitment is not only for the bride and groom here!) Weddings and reunions take a lot of time and effort to prepare. There are days when I'm just kinda tired of it all, and don't feel like doing anything. However, we will never get to accomplish anything if we don't see them through till the end. We can't allow our emotions to take over our actions. So, once again I'd go back to lesson number one: Where's that checklist again? And (sigh) what do I still have to do?

Lastly and most important of all, I learned to pray about every detail. Sometimes, we forget that God is in the details. We pray about the overall big event, but not about the small details. It's not about asking God for favors all the time, but about consciously acknowledging that all these are ultimately under His control. I take time to pray for the individuals involved too because a wedding is a life-changing decision and must not be taken lightly. A reunion is also an avenue for much-missed fellowship and a declaration of God's goodness in our lives. Both are grand occasions for celebrating the greatness of God! Let us entrust each step to Him, and worry less! Whew!
The Cresnat Gerada Clan during our last reunion in 2007....

A cousin of mine got married in Dubai and enjoyed a cruise. Another one is planning to say their I Dos in front of the judge. Then, there's my other cousin and my church friend getting hitched up on a hill overlooking the sea, and on top of all that is our reunion where we all finally come together! Each has his/her own story to tell, but all are bound by one common tie: family. We are all imperfect beings, thus mistakes, clashes and what not! But, like Anna and Elsa (Frozen again nyaha!) our acts of true love for each other make everything better!

Have a happy month of hearts dear readers!    


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