Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Wait, He's Two?!

(Grrr! I missed September!!! I had this all typed out and the pictures all ready before the month ended, but being a stay-at-home mom is also so physically taxing that I couldn't stay up long enough to put them together and post this on time...Oh well, still here it is...Better late than never I guess!) 

Ohhh the many things I'd like to remember...I can't keep up! And now he is TWO! My baby boy is really truly a toddler now, and I still haven't gotten over the awe of having a new little person come out of me! But, here we are running after him, forever trying to get him down from high places, diving to catch the remote he is about to throw (again) or that book or that cellphone (hahahaha the list is long), dancing with him when lively music is on (because he insists that he does not dance alone!), drawing 2's and 3's supposedly on paper or the white board (but sometimes on furniture and walls too), rushing to the bathroom coz' he said "poo-poo" (but then he refuses to sit on the toilet bowl), and grinning like crazy when he opens the window early in the morning and screams: Daddyyyy!!! (coz' he can't find Daddy anywhere in the house hehehe)...Oh my, he has come a long way from that little bundle who only slept a lot, cried, breastfed, and slept again (oh and pooped too)...

And so to celebrate this little life that is now showing his own spunky personality (and because mommy and daddy didn't have enough cash for a big party hihihi), we had a fun day ala-Hansy way!

First off on our list is to try to blow the candle on the cake! When I was setting up the candle, the birthday boy was exclaiming, "Two! Two!" Oh yes, he finally recognizes the number 2 (after calling all numbers 3 for so long!) and number 9. That is it thank you very much! (When he counts, he goes like __ ,2 ,3!hahaha) And then, when we finally had it lit, he was fascinated with the flame! It was fun learning to blow the candle and so ever after whenever he'd see a lit candle, he'd make a blowing sound haha! Thank you Tita Joy for the cake!

The cake came a day earlier, so technically this is just for practice ;)...
These days, you'll often hear him say: Miming! Translation: swimming...Thanks to Kuya Ivan's old mini pool, the labador has retired from its swimming pool duties. So, bright and early on his birthday, Hansy went 'miming'...
He loves playing with water...

When he finally tired of swimming, he willingly took a bath, got dressed and was all ready to go to Gen. Santos City to...shoot some hoops! Basketball is this boy's jam...He is small but wiry enough to throw that big basketball near the ring! Cheers to our future MVP!

Aside from swimming and basketball, the birthday boy tried "wall climbing" too...(hihihihi...) He was fascinated with this hole in the wall and wanted to climb all the way up! ( I did mention earlier that he was into climbing too, right? Yes, sofas, windows and chairs are climbing tools...)


 And of course what is a birthday without the food! Ok, ok...this part is more of Daddy and Mommy likey, but Hansy ate the delicious chicken and mojos too... It's a win-win situation. High chairs are also not so useful nowadays since he just climbs out of it as soon as you put him in one...Oh, the joys of twohood!

With the kind of energy our birthday boy exhibited, he really truly needed to go someplace to work it all out of his system...So, time to jump, slide and play some more!

Hansy was in ball heaven here...It was fun watching him throw them around and not run out of ball ammunition!

       Daddy also taught him how to climb the slides all by himself and weeee slide down...

Jump, jump and jump! Then, climb, slide, run around like crazy, throw more balls around, ask for a balloon they had hanging at the side and jump again! This took place for something like TWO hours...haha because he is two!!!

Afterwards, we had some refreshments of chocolate drinks and takuyaki balls (one of Hansy's favorites). We also dropped by Booksale for some lovely books because we are not only growing a basketball MVP (naks!) but also a bookworm! (And ate a Goldilock's mamon while waiting for Daddy to pay for them...)

Hansy's day was about to end and we were getting ready for home, when he saw Mandarin Restaurant, pointed at it and said, "Um!" (He now knows how to point and ask for stuff! Yayks!) So, we dutifully went in to um, I mean eat, some noodle soup. But it turned out it was the candy store next door that was his real target!

We expected him to flop down and sleep once we reach home...But oh no siree! He had to read his new Bible...his "booch" as he calls his books :)...As he flipped through the pages of his picture Bible, I breathed another prayer for our little man...

                May he grow up loving Jesus, and always be this excited to open God's Word.

He is now two...too soon it seems to me! Being a mom has taught me to treasure every little moment of his young life. I want to remember how it feels to have his little arms wrap around my neck. I want to ingrain in my mind the look on his impish face when he has done something naughty. I want to record in my heart his peels of laughter when in play. I want to bottle up every memory because soon enough he won't need Mommy as much as he does now... God has given us such a precious gift, and we are grateful for the privilege of being his parents!

Happy Birthday Hansy Pansy! We love you for always!

P.S. We'd like to say thank you for all our wonderful sponsors:

*Lolo Joel for the monetary gift
* Tita Joy for the delicious cake
* Kuya Ivan for sharing your pool
* Ninang Presvir for my new t-shirt (Yey, it finally fits! Wore it for the first time!)


Muchos Gracias also for the birthday gifts from Suon Alijah, Cousin Azy and Ninang Pressy!

Sunday, August 10, 2014

A Home of Our Own

I’ve been wanting to write about our new house, but I’ve put it off because methinks it has not achieved its picture-perfect stage. (In other words, we still lack a lot of furniture and storage, and the house still is boxes-and-bags kinda messy.) I have several friends asking for photos already, but then again I feel reticent posting because of the aforementioned excuse ;). Then, I came across (in a round about way thanks to Instagram) a blog called the Nesting Place and read the Nester’s post entitled The Decorating Truths You Won’t See on HGTV. The Nester struck me to the core with that one, and it has changed my attitude to the status of our place. And so, this post is finally being typed!

Beautiful light streaming in!
I have lived in 18 different houses (well, as far as I can remember) in all of my 31 years. Thanks to being a PK (pastor’s kid) then later MK (missionary’s kid), I was able to crack the I-am-an-NPA joke (no permanent address harhar!).  Filling out forms always got me scratching my head when they ask for a permanent address (since, well you know, I had none of that). But oh, the itinerant lifestyle had its perks along with the inconvenience! I’m not complaining! I have met amazing people and learned a lot of things I probably never would have if I were stuck in one place my whole life. And yet, there is something so, so appealing about the idea of having your own home…You can still go all over the world, but have that one little place you always go back to—that one place that can hold your memories and treasures of all your wanderings. Sigh! So, I hope you can imagine just what it means to me to have our own house!

My dream house is a little bit bigger than what we have now, and yet compared to our 18th apartment this is spacious! (Which reminds me of chatting and 'LOLing' with my cousin in Florida where her three-bedroom house is considered small and her feeling cramp in it, while here in the PI that would be considered a big house!) It's all in the perspective. My requirements are not so many…I just wanted to have windows that let the light in, space for books, and a garden! I got the windows and we’ve started the garden…We, later on, can add the shelves for books! God has been listening to a lot of my wishes, and I am grateful! So in celebration of God's goodness, I'd like to share some photos of my imperfectly beautiful home (borrowing terms from the Nester here!)...

Welcome to the sala ... Before I read the Nester's post, we just had these chairs pushed up against the wall, but then I got inspired!
 I DIYed a coffee table (a.k.a. 2 boxes on top of each other)...

Told ya we still got lots of bags! Do you spy the little car under the sofa? Courtesy of Hansy!

Welcome to the kitchen! This is the only part of the house where we got the shelves and storage, and is my current favorite place. I can handle clothes and books scattered around, but not misplaced kitchen stuff! One of our visitors said, "Unahin talaga ang kitchen! Nanay na nanay!" (Do the kitchen motherly!) But hey, I cook meals three times a day, plus prepare snack and drinks in there too! I gotta have a workable place for all that, right? (I am still dreaming of an oven...even just those small ones! Donations anyone? hahahaha!)

To the side of the kitchen is my laundry area...We copied from the big house Papa and Mama are currently renting in Thailand by having a drainage hole installed for the washing machine. I wanted an extra faucet too just for the washing, but the hubby forgot to tell the builders about it :(...So, that's on my list of home improvements :). (If you're wondering how I do the washing...I fill a bucket to bring water to it from the kitchen sink coz' the hose won't fit the kitchen faucet , and then rinse the clothes outside where we have another faucet or in the bathroom or in the kitchen sink. At this point anything goes! Haha!) I've learned that you can somehow tell which part of the world you live in by looking at the laundry area...I've been chatting with a good friend, Ira, who now lives in Texas, and her laundry area's in the garage...It consists of a washer and drier (two separate machines). Here in the Philippines, it's usually just the washer and spinner in one! (Probably because we don't have winter here and have more sunshine to dry out our clothes.)

And here is a view of the dining and entertainment area from the sala. Yes, that little table is our dining table, and that other table at the side, holds the laptop, dvd player and television. It is also where we have our mirror, writing stuff, and scrapbook materials underneath! (Isn't it just a hard working space?)I am typing away in the said space at the moment...
All curtains are the handy work of my Mamaski...They make our place so much more homier!

And here's a little peek at our rooms...
Say hi to Hansy, who messed up my bed styling but made this pic cuter!

This bed came with me from Iloilo. (I was supposed to sell it, but nobody wanted to buy it!) So, in a way it is the one big furniture that has been with us since apartment #1 as a couple...I'm glad nobody wanted to buy it :). (And I'm glad Nong Greg and Tatay were patient enough to dismantle and ship it to Mindanao!)  I remember telling my mom that since we don't have budget to buy stuff, I need to be creative for now. Here are more DIYs in the room...
No cabinets? No problem! I got the TV and stove boxes, covered them with cloth, and piled the clothes on them.
This is our bedside table. It is a barrel of my parents' stuff which I topped with cardboard and covered with another blue cloth. (And that lamp is old like 12 years old! I washidized it to look prettier...)
And here comes the last picture, Hansy's room...

Tada! This is where all the messy things hide until I find places for them...and that has to be soon before visitors sleep over!

So there you have it! Well, most of it :). I've learned to embrace this stage of our home...You see a lot of empty spaces and blank walls. I have not yet figured out where and how to display our various framed pictures and artwork, but I'll get there one of these days (after I get those shelves for the books).

This coming Tuesday the Women's small group are having their fellowship in our house. This is my way of practicing what I've learned--opening up our imperfect home to people. I just have to figure out how to be a host (yey for the first time ever!) all by myself with a super energetic toddler in tow (help!).

I'd like to end with a quote from the Nester (Sorry, if you feel you're hearing too much from her! Just click on her post title above or the highlighted phrases below to see why!)...

 "Slow decorating and enjoying the process, inviting people into the undone, holding onto hope for your home, actually CHOOSING SLOW?  This is the real making of a home. This is the making of a life. This is how important things happen. Accepting slow isn’t giving up, it’s realizing that home is never “finished” and being okay, and happy because of that."
Slow decorating and enjoying the process, inviting people into the undone, holding onto hope for your home, actually CHOOSING SLOW?  This is the real making of a home. This is the making of a life. This is how important things happen. Accepting slow isn’t giving up, it’s realizing that home is never “finished” and being okay, and happy because of that. - See more at:
Slow decorating and enjoying the process, inviting people into the undone, holding onto hope for your home, actually CHOOSING SLOW?  This is the real making of a home. This is the making of a life. This is how important things happen. Accepting slow isn’t giving up, it’s realizing that home is never “finished” and being okay, and happy because of that. - See more at:
Accepting slow isn’t giving up, it’s realizing that home is never “finished” and being okay, and happy because of that. - See more at:

I am consciously enjoying the slow process that we are in right now. After all, it's our own home hurry! Have a blessed day everyone!


Thursday, July 10, 2014

A Birthday, A Moving Out and An Ode to Friends

(Oh no! I missed a month and JUNE at that! June is my birthday month and also one extremely eventful month in our life since this was when we finally moved in our new house, I got sick, then Hansy got you get the picture. Excuses! Still, this month has really reminded me of the beauty and blessing of friendships. And, I will still write about that...even though it's already July.)

When you have moved so many times in life, it is only natural that you have a scattering trail of friends left behind in all the places you've been (unless you are a total anti-social kind of person). And although I hate the goodbyes, I treasure the friendships and the thought that I've a reason to go back and visit these old places. And my birthday highlights just how blessed I am with such people!

Ok my birthday wasn't a big bang of anything...It was just a normal day with cake and ice cream, and heartwarming birthday wishes from simple 'hbd!' to picture greetings. (I gotta love Facebook for that...) And there are those extremely thoughtful over-the-mail gifts like this...
Courtesy of Ma'am Pressy! I love the little hand-written notes! (Note: Goodies for Hansy not in the picture...coz' they're all eaten up already!)
 I can't help being teary-eyed to think someone (who I don't see everyday and is far away) would remember my birthday in this way. This other gift is from a fellow stay-at-home mom whom I've become really good friends with here in Polomolok...
Thanks to Alma Juala for this...She totally knows I love blue! (She also has a matching red one!)
I am blessed with friends who know what kind of simple things I'd be most happy with! (I read somewhere that good friends are one of those "things" money can't buy :). I feel so "wealthy" in a cashless way! Haha!) What I see beyond the tangible gifts are the gifts of beauty, creativity and functionality along with the gifts of their time and effort...Who won't be sooo happy with these presents?

Fast track to two weeks and four days after, we were finally able to move to our new house! Yippee! Hurray! But wait...on the day of the move it rained. When the rain finally stopped, my uncle's multicab (which we were gonna borrow) broke down. Then, it started drizzling again. We were going to postpone the move, when I remembered my neighbor's beverage business. They have a small truck that they use for deliveries. I sent  Marlou a text message asking if we could rent it may be tomorrow (which was a Sunday and hopefully a no-deliveries day). Instead of simply replying, she went over our apartment and said (well something to this effect hehe), "Why not do it today? Coz' today our workers can help with carrying the stuff. Just give them merienda for their trouble..." In short, we didn't have to rent any truck. I was told not to be silly like I was "others" (I don't know if you understand that expression, but basically it means I'm not a stranger so I can ask favors from them haha!) Then, our fellow boarders also helped with loading our stuff and all. Our move wasn't postponed after all! Thanks again to good neighbors who considered us friends! (Too bad I didn't think of snapping a photo when they were hauling our things!)

Based on these two main events in June, I've several realizations/epiphanies:

1. Friendship isn't measured in length of time. Whether you knew them for a long or short time, you can have good friends!
2. In our era, distance is no longer a good excuse to stop keeping in touch with friends.
3. Be good to your neighbors. I am reminded of Proverbs 27:10 (NIV) that says, "Do not forsake your friend or a friend of your family, and do not go to your relative's house when disaster strikes you-- better a neighbor nearby than a relative far away."  (So true!)
4. When your life touches others in a positive way, they never let you forget it :).
5. It is the unseen gifts behind the physical ones that are more important and precious.
6."What you sow is what you reap." I translate this saying into: Be the good friend to gain good friends!

In our new neighborhood, the houses around us aren't occupied yet, but I've met the couple who'd be moving in the peach house to our left. They've planted some flowers in their plant box, but they were kinda drooping already. Remembering how good my previous neighbors were to me, I offered to water them too when I do my water bucket round in our yard.

It's time to sow seeds of friendship once again!

P.S. I know my mom will be reading this. A big thank you to you, Papaski and Bethel too for all the support (be it birthday, moving out, and even settling in)! You've effectively done so even from a far!


Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Growing a Green Thumb

For most of my life I lived in the city. At the age of 5, we moved to Manila from Zamboanga, lived in Bangkok at 12, and worked in Iloilo City after college graduation. But I've always had a probinsyana's heart in me. May be it was because of the old books I've read that talked about crystal clear streams and climbable trees...I've always dreamed of living somewhere with lots of trees around, and recently I've dreamed of planting a garden.

It's amazing how God remembered those heart's desires, and granted it by replanting me here in Polomolok--something I would never have thought would happen! Yet, here I am in the province and about to have my garden!

Now, my Papaski is the expert gardener/farmer of the family. If in the current abode of our itinerant lifestyle (NPA in other words) there is a bit of soil to work with, Papaski will plant. I now regret not joining him in his garden work then. If I just did, I wouldn't be so utterly clueless now, le sigh! (But it's never too later, right?)

But just how did this gardening thing crop up? I have to start with me and my husband dear (who is also an itinerant church planter's son) getting a little house to turn into our humble but lovely home. (Yes, I plan to make it lovely! Yippee!) So, we soon will be discarding the NPA (no permanent address) label. Well, as soon as the windows get installed. Here's a photo...Tada!

Of course, Hansy wouldn't let them do all the work!

But, since our house isn't all ready yet, I'd like to take you outside a bit for now...And, since my parents were in the Philippines for a vacation, I have had great back up for prepping out our front yard! Since hubby has to deal with work on a regular basis (hahaha of course!), I am really glad Papaski and Mamaski were here to help us get started with making our place move-in ready. And since...hahaha! enough with that word!
With that done, it was time to visit the plant shop! Papaski found one way back in its nursery--Granada's Garden, owned by Mrs. Dionisia Granada who by the way knows every name of the plants she is selling. Take a look at her nursery...

My oregano and gynura plants...
I was beginning to feel overwhelmed by all the choices, but her quiet chatter about the names of this plant and that plant kinda calmed me down hehehe...I was buying just a few to plant in the plant box in front of our house, so the place wouldn't look so bare. We plan to add raised beds later on for vegetables, and lovely plants that will line our gate and so on and on...Lotsa plans, but they will have to wait! (Shout out to my inspiration, Mrs.Lofthouse, who has a thriving garden way over there in Texas!) I also want to have an herb garden. I now have the gynura plant (often mistaken as the ashitaba) and oregano, and am so excited to add some more! Nanay, my mother-in-law, said she has basil! And I saw parsley sold in a stall in KCC. Ohhh...I'm too eager to finally move and acquire more plants! (The hubby won't let me have anymore until we have moved. I do hope they survive me! Haha!)

Standing Peanut Plants
But I digress, I finally got to choose and here they are being planted by my Gardening Mentor...I got those with small white flowers, namely the golden  pandakaki and Indian white copia, and bright plant with yellow-green leaves called Chinese alugbati.We also got the standing peanut plants with their cheery yellow blooms...And because Mrs. Granada was generous she also gave me "paaman", a purple version of my white copia and a bamboo-like plant for indoors according to her (which was sadly probably stolen coz' it was gone when I visited our house-to-be). And I got this climbing plant with big white flowers called mandevilla. (Which I wasn't so sure where to put, so Papaski placed it just beside this plant box, so it could later grow near our bedroom soon as I can put up something it can climb on...)

Now, I just have to move in to be able to enjoy them! :)

P.S. Mrs. Granada specially requested that I take a photo of this purple flower and post it on FB. She called it Fedelisia, but am not so sure if I got the spelling right...

P.P.S. Because she thought I was still single and called me body conscious (haha! So not me!), I am posting this photo...

Have a great day everyone!


Friday, April 4, 2014

The "Little" Tale of the SSS

What do you do when you have multiple shots of almost the same thing, and can't quite choose which ones to keep? You make comic strips! (Do you like this post's title 'little tale' as opposed to "tall tale"? Ahahaha...get it?) 

One afternoon, Hansy and his second cousin ,Azy, had an impromptu photo shoot (just because they looked too cute)...And so, their afternoon play turned into this...(Get ready for cuteness overload!)

P. S. The Hansy won't let me remove his feather sticker on his face...Yes, until he fell asleep in the evening! (I tried, but he complained...So I dutifully put it back. Kids! Puff!)

P. P. S. Thanks to the Sticker Lady, a.k.a. Tita Alex, for the fun afternoon!

Friday, March 21, 2014

Transition Motherhood

Well, here I am again and thinking how I'd be busy with finalizing grades and rehearsing graduates if I were still employed :). Instead, I have been busy using our blender making veggie and fruit smoothies. (We have been at it for almost a week now...Maybe because the blender is new. Haha!) At church, the theme is all about transitions. And so, I was thinking of sharing my own little transition to motherhood that has led me to my current state of (often but not always) blissful unemployment. This is also to give a little heads up to several dear friends who for the first time are very tummy expectant :).

Still some what groggy here...
When I gave birth via caesarean section, I wasn't able to hold my baby until three days after. The first time I saw him again, after our operation room stint, was in the room beside the NICU, so I can nurse him. And there I was still wobbly on my feet with a dangling dextrose to deal with, receiving a squirming bundle in my shakey arms...I'd like to say it was a tender moment, but it was more like a scary moment (nyaha) because I did not know what to do! The nurse taught me how to nurse him (which true to what I read doesn't come naturally at once), and left me on my own with my baby. That was when he started wailing and I couldn't make him stop. I guess he was complaining that there wasn't any milk coming out of me! The nurse finally rescued me saying that he was probably still hungry...whew!

Lola Milcah and Hansy...
  That is why I am so grateful that my Mamaski chose to spend money on plane fare (instead of just sending the mullah to me) and be with me for a month after I gave birth. Because truth is I was clueless when it came to practical application even after reading a lot about taking care of a wee one, and that is OK. That is natural. That was an awesome experience learning the ropes to Handling Baby 101 :).

 It is normal not to be OK and need help during the first few weeks. 


Then, there was the breastfeeding struggle. I wanted to breastfeed for several reasons:

1. It is the healthiest choice for Hansy.
2. It is the most affordable choice for our budget.
3. It is supposed to help me get rid of most of the preggy fats :).

Imagine my frustration when no milk would come out of me the first week, and when finally I had milk (after consuming lots of liquid and milk-generating food), the Hansy chose the bottle over me! I was on the verge of tears and despair (well that is a slight exaggeration but you get the picture) when a miracle happened :). Mamaski thought of giving him the bottle but in the middle of feeding take it away to be replaced by my very own breast. And wallah it worked! It was the start of our official breastfeeding season, so successful that he utterly refused the bottle after days with Mum's fresh milk :).

So, KEEP TRYING if you first fail in your breastfeeding attempt. It takes time and practice to start the milk flowing and get the hang of latching on.

When I was still pregnant towards the last few months, I was often awake in the middle of the night because I felt extremely uncomfortable. I couldn't pinpoint what the problem exactly was but that my tummy had to do with it :). Now, that he's outside of me, I still stay awake in the middle of the night to nurse him, change his diaper or just play with a wide-awake little boy! I know some people who followed the Baby Wise method. (Sadly, I wasn't able to get a copy of the book.) It supposedly helps you set a routine with baby, so that you get a good night's rest (among other things). There is a lot of information (and a lot of debate) between this "routine" and on-demand feeding that has made me feel dizzy, confused and worried that I haven't been doing the right thing. ( But of course, this is true about everything related to taking care of and raising a child! Haha!) Through all this, a sterling advice that I've received from Mamaski (and some like-minded writers on the net) is that ultimately you know yourself and your baby best. Do what works for you. 

It's good to research on the how to's and read up on all the different ways to raise your precious little one, but remember in the end you are the best authority on your baby.   

Then, there is cloth diapering. Gone are the lampin and safety pin days to make way for modern cloth diapering. Hurray!!! I've always been bothered about the pile of disposable diaper junk Hansy would generate in a day. (Not to mention the expense of buying them!) That's why when I saw a friend's post about the World Diaper Change event, I started researching on cloth diapers here in the Philippines. I'm so glad we now have local brands that are more affordable. To name a few are Baby Leaf, Alva, and Next9.  You need to shell out more in the beginning, but in the long run they help you save up because they are reusable and come with snaps to adjust for size. We still buy disposable diapers for emergencies (like when the rain keeps our nappies from drying), but still I buy so much less than I would have without my cloth diapers! Price range is somewhere between 200.00 php to 450.00 php per diaper, depending on the brand and seller. Here again FB is my best friend! I found legitimate online sellers there, and recently I saw more are being sold in the malls now. Check out Baby Leaf, Baby Dei Stuff Shop, Thrifty Momma Shoppe, and Baby Chic Boutique at FB to give you some idea :). ( I think I need to write a separate post on this! So much to discuss!) 

Sure it may feel like cloth diapering is more work, but whether you buy only one cloth diaper or a whole bunch of them, it is a good investment!

Another great discovery is babywearing! I do not have the convenience of an extra pair of hands when hubby is at work. So, if I want to go to the market, the bank, or pay bills, Hansy has to come with me. Imagine how difficult that is to handle with a squirming child in your arms! My Saya baby carrier has saved the day for me! (This is available at He isn't so heavy to carry when his weight is evenly distributed around my shoulders and back, and it frees my hands to do other stuff. There are other styles too that I hear are just as good like the pouch or the sling. I love how our very own Filipino entrepreneurs have come up with products like these, and how there are babywearing groups in the Philippines who advocate this because of all the benefits it gives to baby and the parents. Ours being one of those cultures, who often carries babies anyway, babywearing isn't such a surprise! So much to say on this too! But let this suffice for now, and I hope you do your own little research to know more.

Babywearing keeps your baby close to you mimicking the womb experience even while you do other  things, and this is something Daddy can do too!
My first batch of HHN products...
Being a first time mom has given me that adrenaline to search for the best and most affordable products for my baby. I'm sure you feel the same protective instinct too that also gives you the desire to give him/her only the good. Ha! That sounds similar to Human Heart Nature's (HHN) blurb! Hansy used their baby wash, lotion and wonder oil. Now that he is more than a year old, we switched to the kid's body wash. We also use their 100% natural Bug Shield Oil. Rediscovering HHN here is a blessing for me! They sell only organic natural products,  they keep the baby away from harmful chemicals, and the best part is that they are more affordable than your average organic lines out there! Plus, I love their advocacy: Pro-Philippines, Pro-Poor, and Pro-Environment. Aside from the physical stores all over the country, they have an online shop ( that is very informative. They also have a lot of dealers (including me), and have the best customer service.(Oh yeah! They have the if-you're-not-satisfied-we-give-you-back-your-money guarantee.) With a little effort, I'm sure you can find them!

There is something satisfying in knowing that what touches your baby's skin is healthy and natural. (No, Human Heart Nature isn't paying me to advertise, but I heartily recommend their products for you and your child! Teehee!)

Hansy is now a very active and assertive one-year-and-half toddler, and I am amazed at how fast his first few months of life have gone by--the first few months of rapid development. We would often jokingly tell him how we miss the jerky little baby who slept a lot and cried with an uwahhh-uwahhhh! So take a lot of photos and videos! Record his voice. Keep a lock of his hair. Keep a diary on his progress, and your feelings at each stage. Savor every moment because they slip by too quickly. Their transition from being a baby to becoming a toddler is full of wide-eyed-wonder beauty that you want to hold on to and remember. (I can't help thinking how amazing God is!)

 Bottom line is help yourself keep as much memory as you can because our brain tends to relegate these little moments to the back of the "closet" as the months and years go by. (Or is that just me? hehe...)

With Suon Julien and Mommy KC...
This is just a glimpse of the overwhelming but beautiful transition of becoming a mother. We all have different circumstances, different personalities, and different lifestyles that will color how we make decisions on raising our child, and that is a welcome diversity! I appreciate all those who've gone through this path before me, those who are currently traversing it along with me, and those who are at the brink of walking this path filled with both joy and pain, and tears and laughter. Truly, I appreciate my Mamaski even more now that I know first hand just what it takes to be called Mama.

In the end, I think motherhood is like wearing your heart outside of yourself, and watch it crawl, walk and stumble around to adulthood :). And all you can do is pray, love, lend a hand and ultimately...let go (sigh).

Belated Happy International Women's Day everyone!


Monday, February 24, 2014

Three Weddings and a Reunion: A Planner's Lessons

While I have never seen the movie, Four Weddings and a Funeral, it is the inspiration for this post's title. (I just think it sounds catchy!) And also, there is the fact that this year in our family, there are three weddings and a reunion that has happened and will happen in the next few months. (I have mentioned in my earlier post that this is supposed to be a January entry, but since February is the "love month", it fits much better in the theme of the season, don't you think?)

Being unemployed, I have expected a rather uneventful life at home without much pressure, but because my cousin is marrying my church friend (and they're both not here in the city where they plan to tie the knot) and because the Cresenciano-Natividad Gerada apos (grandchildren) are in charge of the up-coming grand reunion, I have been kept busy! (See, I almost missed writing a blog this month!)

 I don't know about you, but I L.O.V.E. weddings! Ever since I got married four years ago, I've been hooked with the lovely rush wedding preparations give. (You may now shake your head and say, "Stressful rush you mean!") I am no expert at wedding planning, but helping my friends when their turn came was as natural as breathing! So, is this post about wedding planning? Well, not particularly...I want to share with you the things I learned in the process of all our preparations for these happy events!

The year has just begun and I have been inspired to be on top of everything that needs to be done. So, I armed myself with my planning besties: my notes and pens! This is my number one lesson: Planning ahead means writing everything down and scheduling your things-to-do, otherwise you will miss some and procrastinate. It actually feels good to be able to tick off every little detail I'm done doing, and it keeps me on track with what I still have to do. If I don't do this, I'll be wiling away my free time, browsing through Facebook or Instagram! (Guilty face here...because the dishes haven't been washed and the clean laundry hasn't been folded...shhh!)

Second, I learned that clear communication is key. Hurray for emails, Facebook, Pinterest, unlimited calls to Sun and free texts to other networks! I am currently talking to several people who are either abroad or in a different city. And if you know wedding planning, it is NOT easy to come up with decisions especially if the participants are far far away from each other! You need to be ready to keep in touch a lot, so that means you have to explore your communication options that would also be pocket friendly. (Come to think of it, even our reunion planning is dangerously coming close to becoming a Skype activity even when most of us are within traveling distance!)

Third, research, research and research. Now, this is handy not only in the academic field, but also in all things party-related! The internet has made a lot of information within our reach (from theme ideas down to wedding program details), and we should take advantage of it. And recently, perhaps because Multiply has closed as a platform for business, Facebook has been really helpful in finding service providers. Yey! It is now possible for the stay-at-home-mom-who-isn't-very-mobile to search for contacts from the event stylist to the seashell-shaped chocolate vendor. Aside from the net, I learned to be a nosy visitor :) to different events by asking others where they got their beautiful cake for their birthday or where they ordered their balloons! Word of mouth is still an important source of valuable information! Keep your eyes and ears open!

Fourth, don't be shy to ask for help! This might not be a problem for you, but I am S.H.Y. (Some of you might not believe this, but really deep down I am absolutely shy.) I do not want to be a cause of inconvenience to anyone, so that as much as possible I do things myself. But, I have learned that when you tap into your connections, your work gets done more efficiently. You see, I have just been in my new place of residence for over a year, and so I have not learned the ropes as to the best places for receptions, ordering of cakes and flowers, a good but reasonably priced seamstress etc! I badly need help from others to keep me in the loop. (Surprisingly, once I'm over the jitters of grabbing someone else's time, I find them quite willing to be of service!)

Fifth, patience is a verb! Well, it may not be a verb literally, but being patient is an
on-going process, an action you have to keep doing until you've reached the finish line because planning an event can be exasperating (like duhhh! hahahaha!). You deal with different personalities and viewpoints that can sometimes clash against each other. Sometimes, unexpected changes come up and you simply need to cope with it. And then there are times when it puts you in a tight space with little room to maneuver. Through all these, patience should be your best friend!

Sixth, let people comment but don't let it get to you! Haha! In other words, peel off your onion skin. I have learned that people will give comments, either good or bad. They might not agree with the decision reached and that is OK. I remind myself that they do not know the entire story like you do. They have not gone over options over and over again, nor have they discussed the pros and cons like you did. So, if they say in an offhand way, "Oh, it would have been better blah blah blah..." simply listen to them and consider whether the comment helps or not. If not, sing Elsa's song...Let it go! Let it go!

Seventh, I have learned the importance of commitment. (Yes, commitment is not only for the bride and groom here!) Weddings and reunions take a lot of time and effort to prepare. There are days when I'm just kinda tired of it all, and don't feel like doing anything. However, we will never get to accomplish anything if we don't see them through till the end. We can't allow our emotions to take over our actions. So, once again I'd go back to lesson number one: Where's that checklist again? And (sigh) what do I still have to do?

Lastly and most important of all, I learned to pray about every detail. Sometimes, we forget that God is in the details. We pray about the overall big event, but not about the small details. It's not about asking God for favors all the time, but about consciously acknowledging that all these are ultimately under His control. I take time to pray for the individuals involved too because a wedding is a life-changing decision and must not be taken lightly. A reunion is also an avenue for much-missed fellowship and a declaration of God's goodness in our lives. Both are grand occasions for celebrating the greatness of God! Let us entrust each step to Him, and worry less! Whew!
The Cresnat Gerada Clan during our last reunion in 2007....

A cousin of mine got married in Dubai and enjoyed a cruise. Another one is planning to say their I Dos in front of the judge. Then, there's my other cousin and my church friend getting hitched up on a hill overlooking the sea, and on top of all that is our reunion where we all finally come together! Each has his/her own story to tell, but all are bound by one common tie: family. We are all imperfect beings, thus mistakes, clashes and what not! But, like Anna and Elsa (Frozen again nyaha!) our acts of true love for each other make everything better!

Have a happy month of hearts dear readers!